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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Blogmas Day 11: Midweek Brain Dump

Hello friends. Can we please just take a moment to acknowledge the fact that I have posted every single day on this blog for the last 11 days. ELEVEN. I don't want to like, toot my own horn but like...TOOT TOOT!
When I was considering attempting a blog post every day until Christmas, I read another blogger's post about reasons why you should participate in Blogmas (I would link to that post here but I was deep in a Google search and I didn't bookmark the page and I don't remember the bloggers name. My bad.), and one of the reasons was that it creates discipline in writing and posting. This was the main reason I decided to give it a go because discipline is something I have a real hard time with, particularly in making time for this 'ol blog. So far after 11 days I'd say it's working. I feel like sitting down to write posts might almost maybe kind of is close to being a habit. *Knocks on wood.*

But anyway, after all my planning(ish) and trying to come up with themed posts for Blogmas, today felt like a good day for a brain dump. That and plus the Hallmark movie currently on is an old one that I've seen so I don't have any FOMO about it.

When I got home from work today the dogs were in the middle of eating their dinner and Maycee literally stopped eating, ran over to greet me and wag her tail and say hi to me, and then returned to eating her dinner. Like, she stopped mid-meal to come say hi to me. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Maycee interrupts her meals for no man, woman, or child. She is motivated by, dreams about, begs for, and lives for her meal time. But on this day, the 10th of December (lol writing this post the night before it goes up), two-thousand and nineteen, Maycee interrupted her dinner to welcome her mother home. BRB gonna go wipe the tears from my eyes and bask in the love and devotion my dog has for me.

I am currently rewatching New Girl on Netflix and I have to say, why is this show not more popular? New Girl was the first show I started binging back when I very first got Netflix, but then I stopped after season three because that was all that was available, and then I never picked it back up. So naturally, I started back at the beginning a couple months ago and now I'm about halfway through season six of seven and I am thoroughly enjoying every single minute of every single episode. Like, this might be controversial but behind The Office, New Girl is my #2. Like, I like New Girl more than Friends. Am I allowed to say that?

For those counting and in case anyone is wondering, it's four more games before Deandre Ayton returns to the Suns after serving his suspension. I told myself I would not invest in the Suns this year because I hate a lot of the decisions the front office has made and how they've handled a lot of things in recent years. Also, they've been a flaming dumpster fire of hot garbage. But this year they brought in Monte Williams to coach, and then a bunch of players I have literally never heard of so more than anything, curiosity made me tune in on opening night. Since then, every time they play I text my dad something along the lines of, "There is a Suns game on tonight and I hate myself for being excited about it." And now you know what's happened? I just can't quit Ricky Rubio's man bun. Or the very large bearded Australian man. And also Devon Booker but we're all already on that train. See? See what you did, Suns?

In other sports news, Winter Meetings have begun and if the Diamondbacks even think about spending $100+ million dollars on Madison Bumgarner I'm gonna rage.

I have a question - who started the, "I'm telling my kids" meme? At first I didn't really get it but the more memes I saw, the funnier it became. So good job, people of the internet. This is one of my personal favs:
If you know, you know. 

Now, before I send you on your way please enjoy this video of Shania Twain performing at the AMA's and smile, feel good about life, and appreciate the fact that Shania Twain has not skipped a beat since the 1990's.

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