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Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

Often times Veteran's day is simply a day off of work for most people. But lemme tell ya, in my household we celebrate Veteran's day!
My husband is a Veteran, he served in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom from '07-'08; and his Grandpa is also a Veteran who served in WWII.

It's weird how easily I get choked up about stuff like this now after having a husband deployed over seas. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, even simply saying the Pledge of Allegiance, or hearing someone else recite it makes my eyes well up. I know, it seems silly and I can't really explain it; but there's something about a person willing to lay their life on the line every single day, wear pounds upon pounds of gear and armor, have all kinds of strategic and technological knowledge on how to fight a war and use all kinds of weapons, do it all willingly for their Country and family. 

It's courageous.
It's brave.
It's selfless.
It's admirable.

Graduating Basic/AIT '07 

Deploying to Iraq '07

Home on Leave '08

Marriage proposal: written in the dust on the floor of Sadaam Hussein's mother's palace

Home for good! '08

Shout out to Kenny Lindholm, Kelvin Baldwin, and Cheryl Tanis (I've already forgotten your new married name!), for watching out for each other and helping bring each other home safe!

Thank you to all those who have served and are currently serving our Country over seas.

"Honor the fallen, thank the living"

My favorite Soldier

1 comment:

  1. awww this made me wooshy!! Thank you Nathan for your service and to the both of you for your sacrifice to provide our Nation with freedom!! I love you guys!! xoxox



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