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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bed Time

Nate thinks I take too long to get ready for bed.

I'm gonna have to disagree.

1.) Brush teeth
2.) Mouth wash
3.) Floss 
(flossing daily, and mouthwashing twice a day is a new years resolution of mine; so far we're doing pretty good)
4.) Take off makeup
5.) Wash face
6.) Wash face again because I'm OCD and feel like the first time around never really gets all the makeup off
7.) Wash face with scrub
8.) Dry off the counter cause I'm a messy facewasher and splash water on anything within a foot of the sink
9.) Toner 
10.) Moisturizer
11.) Swallow multi-vitamin
12.) Set alarm
(the time I wake up changes every day so it takes me a minute to figure out when I need to be up)
13.) Make Tea 
(right now I'm totally enjoying Tazo Calm tea)
14.) Turn off the lights, sit in bed, in the dark, and drink my tea in the quiet
15.) Lay down and go to sleep

Now really, what's so lengthy about all that??

...Nate's usually out by #6 


  1. haha I LOVE this list of get in bed "To-Dos"! Thank you guys so much for coming over tonight!! LOVE YOU!

  2. I have so many small steps too, making sure everything's perfect before i go to bed :)



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