Tuesday, March 21, 2017

T is for Townsend Turns Six

You guys, can we just take a moment and wish my blog a happy birthday? Because on this day, SIX YEARS ago, T is for Townsend was born. It made its entrance into the world weighing no pounds and no ounces, and measured in at a whopping 13 inches...you know, the size of that old white MacBook. I have no birth certificate but check out my very first blog post ever here. It's kind of embarrassing because let's face it, our writing styles change over the course of six years. And so do some our likes and dislikes, and I feel like my early posts were super cheesy. I think I sometimes even used "hubs" to refer to my husband. How embarrassing.

But nonetheless, I've never gone back and edited or deleted any old posts. I kind of like having them as a memento. A lot happens over the course of six years - both in real life years and in blog years. Some people start new blogs because their old blogs didn't reflect their "personal growth" over time. Some blogs get new titles and new layouts, and so on. I've had my share of design changes but I have to say, I've never felt compelled to start over. I haven't always been consistent in coming to this space and posting regularly, but I've never gotten the urge to create a new space. Or a new name, or new content. T is for Townsend has sort of been the same since I started this thing six years ago: rambling on about the nonsense that pops into my head. I dunno if that's good or bad now that I type that out...

But anyway, let's reminisce shall we? Cause like I said, a lot happens in six blog years.

Firstly, my favorite thing about the blog world has always been meeting new people...which is super cliche but really, if you look hard enough, there's cool people on the internet. I flew out to Florida to meet one of them once, and we spent the weekend at Harry Potter World. Read about it here and here.

I also met two of my best friends through blogging. Read about our awesome daily convos here. I've seen both of them get married and they watched me turn 30, and it's so fun going through life with friends you met on the internet.

When I first started this blog I was deep in the throws of grad school and interning and working full time. Now I just work full time so that I can pay the government back for the grad school thing. Yolo, worth it.
Nate was working in a warehouse back in 2011 and now he's been a cop for almost two years, patrolling the mean streets of Chandler. 
I even got into my first car accident over the course of T is for Townsend's existence. Read about it here.

Although for as much as things can change in six years, a lot can also stay the same. Like me and Gunther, for example. Read about that here. We're basically the same person.
I still get mad when the wifi is slow, or my iPhone dies too quickly. First world problems, man. Read about them here. I'll always eat any candy in the house way faster than Nate and then he gets upset and then he straight up buys candy and hides it from me. Read about that here. Or my favorite post I ever wrote for T is for Townsend that gets recycled every year - read it here.

Six years is a long time in blog years to keep a thing going. Hopefully we'll keep this thing going for another six...or at least until I'm over it. But I'm not over it yet so we'll keep on writing! Happy birthday you old blog, you!

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