Sunday, February 16, 2020

Someday I Will: Part II

You'll notice the title of this post indicates this is a part II - you might be wondering where part I is? Well, let me direct you, many many moons ago in 2013 to when The Daily Tay hosted a little 'ol link party (remember those?), and we all wrote about the things we would accomplish someday. Find my list HERE.

Sometimes, when I can't think of anything to blog about, I cruise my old blog posts to try and find inspiration. This is a good and bad idea for two reasons: 1.) Sometimes it works and I do actually find inspiration, and 2.) Sometimes it doesn't and I walk away from my computer, sad and defeated, wondering to myself how I was EVER that creative and thought of THAT many things to write about.

This is what was happening this Sunday afternoon when lucky for me I stumbled upon this post from 2013. So, let's revisit the things I said would someday happen and see if I have made any of them come true, seven years later.

2013 Carissa, some day she would:

Finish a bottle of shampoo, or tube of mascara
I hate to make the effort to scrape out the last bits, so I always just move on to the next bottle.
Too much work.
Can confirm: still true in 2020

Stop using the word 'commercialing'
My mom tells me it's not a real word, but I just don't believe it quite yet.
Ok so I understand this is not a real word - like, I can't deny it anymore but have I stopped using it? No. 

Be able to swallow a pill without gagging.
I swear I'm 26.
'Bout to turn 33 and this is still a problem. I'm better if it's tablets but like, any type of herbal anything in a capsule is troublesome because they float to the roof of your mouth and then you can feel them and it's all downhill from there.

Tell the server my order is wrong
I hate confrontation, so in the meantime I'll just eat this hamburger with the mustard on it anyway.
In 2020 it totally depends on the situation and how confident I'm feeling that day. Dunkin Donuts has messed up my coffee order SO. MANY. TIMES. that I feel pretty comfortable returning it to the barista and kindly reminding them that what they handed me is literally not even remotely close to what I actually ordered. I'm lying actually, it's usually just me being like "umm hi yes actually I think umm maybe perhaps this might not be almond milk could you maybe just like, double check that for me I'm so sorry."

Quit biting my nails
Unlikely, but maybe.
I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never not bite my nails. 

Be right and my husband will be wrong.
It has to happen at some point in our lives right?
Nate tried telling me once that you cast a "PatronUM." I said no, you cast a "PatronUS" by using the spell "Expecto Patronum." And obviously I was right because I am always right about Harry Potter things. 

Remember how to spell 'definitely' without spell-check fixing it for me every time
"Definitely" is still problematic in 2020.

Find a pillow that doesn't hurt my neck or give me a pillow headache every morning
Ok I think I have finally succeeded. I HAVE THIS. I have a comfortable pillow, you guys. HOORAY for progress!

Take a selfie
I just can't get past the awkwardness yet.
I don't post selfies for the public because that still feels very awkward but I do however, send lots of selfies via snapchat or text messaging to friends and family. It's typically a selfie of me making an inquisitive face, asking the recipient if it's too early to drink wine.

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Have a clear vision and direction for my life plan
For now I'm still just trying to find the free food, and use my Student ID for as long as I can. 
I mean, I have a steady job and I'm very comfortable with the state of my life in my thirties but free food is always going to be a priority. Student ID still sitting comfortably in my wallet, on deck and ready for action when called upon.

I should've known back in 2013 that most of these things were part of my DNA and there would be no overcoming them. I set myself up for failure, really. But hey, at least now I don't wake up with pillow headaches. 

 photo Carissa_zps53ecb502.png

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