Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It's been a little while, so I'm linking up with Neely for another (long overdue) round of It's OK Thursday!

It's Ok...

If you still have to climb on the counters to reach some of your cupboards

To pretend you're being beamed up into the Ministry of Magic every morning when you ride the elevators from the underground parking garage up to your office
If you have a combined 20-25 pages worth of paper writing to do before Wednesday because you got your due dates mixed up.

To be an OKC bandwagon fan cause Kevin Durant is awesome and classy, and James Harden went to ASU....which also makes him pretty dang awesome
If rush hour traffic makes you curse.
Out loud.

If seeing everyone in the blogosphere talk about the bachelorette each week makes you want to start watching it just so you can join in the discussion

If "Call Me Maybe" has been on your last 3 mix CD's just doesn't get old I tell ya

The weekend is almost here!


  1. Rush hour traffic/ any traffic tends to make me curse just little bit too!

    1. Hahaha! As long as we make sure no one sees us mouthing the words so as not to invoke a road rage situation we should be in good shape!! Lol!!

  2. hahahaah! I woke up with that song in my head today.. who knows why! I've missed reading you blog.. and your 20-25 pages of paper writing made me not miss school at all! But PROPS to you, pretty! :) Have a great weekend, try to relax a little despite your homework!

    1. Yes, please be glad you are done with school! Hahaha! Thanks Amanda!! I will try and relax a do the same! =)

  3. Bachelorette is awesome and you *should* start watching it. :)
    Kevin Durant really is awesome... but I think ASU is better then James Harden. If only AZ wasn't so darn hot and brown... :)

    1. I just may have to start watching!!...Hahaha, yes, AZ is pretty darn hot, brown in some places, but not so brown and really pretty in a lot of others!! =) ...Hope you have a fabulous weekend lady! =)

  4. 1. I ALSO feel like I should be watching the Bachelorette, I never watch those shows, BUT I feel like everyone is making such a big deal about it, maybe it's actually good? Who am I kidding, if I start watching that on top of KUWTK, ALL the housewives AND any other reality show I can find, my husband is probably going to file for divorce :/

    2. I can't reach the cabinets in my house either, and I definitely think my husband puts all the good snacks at the very top just to make it hard for me to get them down! :)

    1. Maybe we will just have to join in the bachelorette bonanza! Hahaha!! ...that's pretty cruel about putting the snacks up high...I feel your pain though, my husband straight up hides the candy and chocolate from me...he probably won't get any if he doesn't! Hahaha!!

  5. I know! Everyone is talking about the bachelorette! I need to catch up and follow along. And I climb on the counters all of the time! My 5'2 frame doesn't allow be to get the high stuff!

    I also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Come check it out :o)

    1. Glad I'm not the only adult climbing on counters still! Lol!!...Thanks for the award! That is so nice...totally makes me warm and fuzzy! Hahaha!

  6. It's ok I love the song Call me Maybe. I too can't reach things that are really high, and I don't watch the Bachelorette either!

    1. Yuss! Glad we're all on the same page! Lol!!
