Friday, June 22, 2012

High Five for Friday

It's Friday.
Thank the Good Lord!
I'm linking up with Lauren today for my top 5 things from this week!

1.) It was Husband's birthday on Thursday.
And I'm pretty sure I found the funniest card for him in our history of card giving. Even funnier than the one I got him with the three-hole puncher in the shape of a heart that says "I love you a hole punch."...although that one is definitely a classic.

I found this card with a picture of a guy holding up a fish and the front says
"When asked what his secret is to catching the big ones, Hank's reply is always the same - 'Good bait!'" 
And then you open it and the inside says 
"Happy Birthday to a real master baiter."


2.) Pontoon
I've been trying to perfect my summer play list for a little while now, and this song might just take the cake. I'm pretty sure it might just be THE song of the summer.

3.) This week I was awarded both the Liebster award by the lovely Amanda over at It's a Powell Life, and the Versatile Blogger award by the ever-so-charming Melissa over at Eleven Sixty
That's two blogger awards in one week.
A two-fer.
And I feel so special! 
I will most certainly have to do the posts that go with them this weekend!
4.) Cookies for breakfast this morning.
Heck, it's Friday; cookies for breakfast on a Friday I feel like is totally appropriate.  

5.) Cupcakes for lunch today.
Heck, it's Friday; cookies for breakfast and cupcakes for lunch on a Friday I feel like is totally appropriate =)
The two other interns at work had their birthdays this week also, so our boss bought cupcakes to celebrate. It was my first time eating Sprinkles cupcakes and I will say, they were pretty delish!

Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm LOVING this high Five for Friday!! I think I may have to start linking up!

    Love your post... :)
