Friday, December 6, 2019

Blogmas Day 6: Week 1 Friday Five

Blog world circa 2012 used to do this thing where every Friday we'd write about five highlights from the week. Some variation of "High Five for Friday" or "Friday Five" or something like that and I always thought it was fun for a couple reasons: 1.) It requires you to reflect on your week and pick out the good things, and 2.) Gives you a guaranteed blog post idea every week. A win-win if you ask me. So as it's the first Friday of Blogmas...let's do this!

1.) Holiday PTO
This week I have been writing most of my posts either in advance or at night after Nate leaves for work, and then posting them in the morning. Thanks to some extra PTO that I have to use or lose before the end of the year, I have some nice days off sprinkled throughout the month of December which means Blogmas Day 6 is coming to you hot off the press on the actual morning of December 6th, accompanied by a cup of coffee with Peppermint Mocha creamer and the "Christmas Jazz" Spotify playlist playing nicely in the background, while my Bath and Body Works Frosted Cranberry candle burns next to me. It's a good morning, guys.

2.) My She Reads Truth Advent Study came in the mail (insert praise emoji hands here)
I've been purchasing and following this Advent study by She Reads Truth for three years now, and I've loved every year. The book itself is such high quality and offers so much more than daily readings. They include some holiday recipes, DIY Christmas decorations, sheet music, stuff like that. The aesthetics of the book and its contents are always so beautiful but most importantly - being in the Bible and truly remembering the reason for the season - as they say, adds so much to my holiday season!

3.) CHRISTMAS TREE FARM by Taylor Swift
That is in all caps because it accurately portrays how much I love this song and the amount of Christmas cheer within every hook, lyric, and note. Ms. Swift has decided to bless our holiday season with a true Christmas bop ("bop" - that's what the kids say these days right?). Go listen now or watch the music video which is comprised of baby Taylor frolicking in the snow on her actual Christmas Tree farm she grew up on (*heart melts*).

4.) We got our Christmas photos back and please just look at this picture of my dogs, gazing up to the sky as the heavens part and the sun shine downs on them to bless their beautiful doggo souls 
As I mentioned in my last post, dogs in family photos is not the easiest thing to do but Jennica always puts up with our shenanigans anyway and she does a freakin' good job at it. Besides the photos, please just look at her adorable packaging:

A S'mores kit, you guys. For S'more memories. Round of applause, please.

5.) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Do y'all remember reading this book as a kid? This book was THE JAM. And because we love all things nostalgia, Jennica and I are re-reading it for the Christmas season. Is it a children's book? Yes. Can it be finished in one sitting? Also yes. Is that any reason to not revisit this as an adult? Absolutely not. 

What are your highlights of the week?!

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