Monday, December 2, 2019

Blogmas Day 2: A To Do List for Christmas-ing Through Your Holiday Season

Now that we're feeling festive AF after Blogmas Day 1, let's start checking off our Christmas To Do List, shall we?

A To Do List for Christmas-ing Through Your Holiday Season

  • Put Bailey's in your hot chocolate and/or coffee. But not your morning coffee before work because your work probably frowns upon showing up with a slight holiday buzz before your day starts. Just a guess.
  • Write poems on your Christmas gifts instead of the generic "To: [brother's name] From: [your name]. For example: "Roses are red, Slytherin's Locket is cursed, this gift is for the person whose toots smell the worst." 
  • Drink said Bailey's and hot chocolate while you wrap Christmas gifts with poems on them
  • Take a picture of snow on a cactus (if you can find it)
  • Turn off all the lights in your house except your Christmas tree and holiday lights and spend the evening enjoying the ambience (this is my favorite holiday activity)
  • Buy a new pair of cozy socks and/or slippers. Make sure they are festive.
  • Buy a Christmas mug. Make sure it is festive.
  • Write a Christmas letter this year to send to your family and friends. Like, an actual letter. With words. That you put in the mail and stuff.  
  • Write a blog post every day up until Christmas (lol jk you don't have to do this, this one's for me. Unless of course you want to join in which case LESSS DO ET)
  • Paint your nails red 
  • Play a round of Christmas trivia with your friends or family. Just Google "Christmas trivia" and you'll get lots of results. Also, can anyone tell me if Catch Phrase has a Christmas edition? I have been wanting a Christmas Catch Phrase game for forever now. Help a girl out, pls and thx. 
  • Watch every Christmas episode of your favorite TV show
  • Buddy read a Christmas-themed book. Or, while you're at it, participate in the Winter Magical Readathon, hosted by Book Roast on Youtube. She has a fancy new website dedicated to all the Magical Readathon's she creates for us; get all the info here!   
  • Watch a Hallmark movie and try and guess the entire plot by the time the opening credits are finished 
  • Wear a Santa hat in public
What is on your Christmas To Do list?!

 photo Carissa_zps53ecb502.png

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