Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blogmas Day 10: Christmas Absolutely Not's

I don't know if any of you have heard of, or listen to, or follow Heather McMahon but if you like to laugh and you love shenanigans, you should definitely do so.

My coworker told me about Heather so I first started following her on Instagram and then I learned she has a podcast and so now I listen to that on my commute home from work once a week. It's called Absolutely Not and again, if you love to laugh and you love shenanigans, you should listen to it. Instead of me trying to describe it I'll just insert the little show blurb thingy here:

So anyway, you can call in to the show and leave your "absolutely not's" in a voicemail but I thought why the heck not put some in a blog post because it's Blogmas and we need 25 whole days of content right?

Absolutely Not - Christmas Edition

Black Friday shopping
Absolutely not. No way, now how. The only Black Friday shopping I'll do is in my sweat pants on my couch with a glass of wine and that's it.

Making the Starbucks Christmas cups a controversy 
Please don't. It's a cup.

Home Alone 3
This a whole new cast of actors. It is no longer a sequel. Absolutely not.

Fruit Cake
Abso-freakin-lutely not

Being offended if someone or anyone wishes you or anyone else a "Merry Christmas" 
It's the holiday season. Please do not be looking for things to be offended by. Absolutely not. Receive the warm wishes bestowed upon you by your fellow human, with open arms and an open heart and feel blessed by the tidings of comfort and joy. Amen.

Being offended if someone or anyone wishes you or anyone else a "Happy Holidays"
See above.

Artificial Christmas trees
I know this one may ruffle a few feathers but I am a ride or die real-Christmas-tree-only kind of girl. Absolutely not to any Christmas tree that I have to pull out of a box.

Christmas at the Dursley's
Absolutely not. Christmas at Hogwarts always. Or the Burrow.

Tinsel reminds me of sand when you go to the beach - it gets places you had no idea it could reach and you are finding it in and around yourself and your things for days after you leave. This is what tinsel does. No thank you. Absolutely not.

What do you say Absolutely Not to, during the holidays?!

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