Sunday, October 8, 2017

I Like Summer the Best

I feel like as a 30 year old, white female...and a blogger nonetheless, fall is what I should be looking forward to the most right now. Mornings and evenings are cooling off (hallelujah), Bath & Body Works has their fall candles out in full force, and Halloween is a mere few weeks away. But the honest truth is I love summer and I'm really sad to see it go.

The thing is, I don't love the summer heat, but I love summer activities. I love to swim in any body of water I can find and you just can't do that in the fall and winter.
I love to fish, but the fish don't bite in cold weather like they do in the summer.
I love northern Arizona, and camping, and exploring, but the forest roads close up north come November.
I love being able to just throw on some shorts, a tank top, and flip flops, but dressing myself is way more complicated and involves way more pieces in the fall.
I love baseball and baseball is summer (Fall if you're lucky).
I love that berries are always on sale at the grocery store, 2 for $5. You can't find berries on sale 2 for $5 dollars in the fall and winter.
Summer hosts the 4th of July.
The 4th of October, or the 4th of November aren't as fun as the 4th of July, be honest with yourself.

This summer was a really good one for me and like I said, I'm really sad to see it go. There's no more bathing suits draped over the side of my bathtub every weekend. My truck doesn't smell like wet dog anymore. I love the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice, but I already miss the smell of sunscreen and chlorine in my hair. I love the sound of Al McCoy calling another Suns game, but for now, Greg Schulte is still on the radio calling Diamondbacks games in October.

Weekend road trips, fishing in the dark, one great big vacation, lots of pool time and Route 44 Diet Coke's with cherry flavor and easy ice, monsoons, haboobs, and all the other summer things - I'm sad to see them go. So, while we all usher in fall and cooler weather with open arms, I bid summer the fondest adieu.

It was a good one.

Summer 2017 from Carissa on Vimeo.

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