Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I'm a Halloween Grinch, and Other Things

It's weird cause it's a Tuesday night at 9pm and I suddenly got the bug to blog. But I figured given the scarcity of posts around here lately I should probably capitalize on it whenever I'm in the mood to write. So here I am. 

This weekend was Halloween and we all know by now that dressing my dogs in costumes is my favorite part. This year Gunther was a spider and Maycee was a princess. I chose those because they were the only ones left at Target the day before Halloween...cause I plan ahead and am always on top of things and stuff. No matter the picked-over selection, I think this was Maycee's best year, I must say.
Please just look at that skirt. And those braids. And also how mad she looks.
Gunther could care less. He's just hangin' out like, hey guys yeah I'm a spider is that a problem?
I didn't end up passing out candy because Nate was out of town and I was home alone and I just didn't want to have to deal with the dogs going crazy and all that. So I turned my porch light off cause that's the universal sign for "I don't have candy," right? I dunno, maybe I missed the memo because people kept coming to my door and ringing the doorbell and banging on the door. Finally, there was a group of kids that came and rang my doorbell three times in a row and screaming "trick or treat!!" Then they rang the doorbell incessantly about two more times and kept yelling so finally I flung the door open and yelled, "I DON'T HAVE ANY CANDY KIDS!" ...Ugh,what is wrong with me?? This is why I don't have children though...because they're little assholes. Part of me feels a little bad but part of me does not because I could hear their parents out at the curb and I'm just like whyyyyyy do you let your kids behave like this??? Anyway, long story short I ended up having to put a sign out on my door and finally the doorbell stopped ringing. I know you're judging me for being the Halloween version of the Grinch but whatever.

So on a happier note, basketball is back and Steve Nash was inducted into the Suns Ring of Honor last weekend and it was the best thing ever.
Charles Barkley was there and Dan Majerle was there and Al McCoy was the MC, and it was cool and so nostalgic and the halftime ceremony turned into a 40 minute show because when Steve Nash talks, you listen. There was a video montage and I'm not gonna lie...I teared up a little. I try not to put too much stock into sports because it's just a game and I don't ever want to 'worship' or idolize a team or an athlete, but it's pretty cool to see how one person can have such an impact on a community. Steve did that for Phoenix.

You wanna know something weird. Nate and I were walking back from the mailbox the other night talking about how much paperwork he gets from the company that manages his 401K. He goes, "...I'm so inundated with paperwork that the last thing I want to do is read all of them." And then I said, "Can you manage it online and opt out of all the mailings?" and I just had this weird moment where all of our time spent together flashed through my mind really fast and I saw him with his bowl-cut in jr. high and I saw us fighting in high school, and I saw myself being too scared to talk to him in the 7th grade, and I saw us in Sunday School together and then here we are, in our late 20's walking back from the mailbox after work on a Monday night, talking about 401K's. Like, dang we've come a long way. It was a cool moment.

Speaking of cool. ASU had their "Salute to Service" game last week honoring military (please don't make me talk about the actual game...still salty about it) and in doing so, they wore throw back jersey's with Pat Tillman's name on the back of every jersey. I found this picture on Twitter and it gave me chills:

Anyway, I think I've run out of things to talk about for now. Have a happy hump day friends! 

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  1. Lighten up a bit for the next three holidays coming, would ya??? (I wish there were emojis here but there isn't)

    And also that moment you had, how sweet!!! 401k's rule the world now, eh? Also it oddly reminded me of OTH because duh they're in HS and will look back on it some day (orrrrr episode)

    I don't really know where this comment is going because it's 6:55 on a Wednesday morning but I'm glad you blogged. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

  2. LMAO at yelling at the kids. I would've done the same thing. Dumb asses.
