Sunday, October 26, 2014

October Stuffs

Hello, friends! 

Firstly, before I get any further I just want to say...take a peaksy at the new blog look eh? It's pretty fancy right?! My dear friend Jennica from Strawberries and Wine is giving my blog a face lift and we're still in the middle of rennovation. So bear (bare?) with us while we're under construction for a little while longer mmk? Can't wait for the final product!

Anyway, now that I got the monster that was my vacation to Harry Potter World out of the way and all blogged up (if you missed it check it out here and here), I can finally resume my regularly scheduled blog posts. Not that my blog posts have been "regular" around here by any means, but I really really wanna try and get back to some consistency again. So here's some fun things that've been going down in C Town these days. ....get it? cause I live in a town that starts with the letter C? And my name is Carissa Townsend? C Town? See what I did there? It's a pun.

Now that the weather is finally starting to cool down (albeit, only a little. Like, a teensy bit) here in AZ, it's time to open our screen doors and sit on patios and take the towels off the leather seats in your car. Hooray! I've done two of the above so far. Sorry but the sun and 90 degree afternoon heat still makes for realllly hot black leather seats in my car. But I did open my screen door last week to enjoy some cool morning air...except that the neighbors got a cat and it likes to sit in the window sill and Maycee, conversely, does not like it to sit in the window sill.
And so she stares and she barks and she growls and barks and barks...and then I have to close the door. So thanks for that, Mace.

One of my favorite spots to hang out and drink wine and feel all sorts of fancy is this place called Postinos. It's like, indoor/outdoor, except now that it's not 115 degrees it's mostly outdoor. So Kailey and I spent a good Friday night there eating bruschetta and drinking wine by the candlelight. It was romantic, I assure you.

Speaking of wine...some of my besties, Charlene and Sarah, and I had a wine night recently that included not only wine, but dogs. Lots of them. Four of them, to be exact.
A lot of the night sounded like this:
"Joey no!"
"Henry come here!"
"Maycee be nice!"
"Gunther that's enough!"
"Henry get off of her!"
"Joey drop it!"
"Gunther don't pee on that!"
...But really, we wouldn't have it any other way. Dogs are the Especially ours. And they had fun, and we had fun and wine so it was a win-win, really.

I don't really have a good segue way for this one, but Nate killed an elk this month and now I have two freezers full of 239 lbs. of elk meat.
Yay meat!

Speaking of meat...just kidding, that would be a weird, and borderline inappropriate segue way. But speaking of friends! We'll go with that. Speaking of friends, one of our best friends was in town after getting home from an overseas deployment and we were fortunate enough to spend some time with him before he went back home to South Carolina. So "the quad" was reunited yet again! Been quadin' it up since high school yo! ...sorry, I'll stop talking like that.
We engorged ourselves on chips and salsa and tacos. Many, many tacos.

One thing however, we did not consume was pumpkin. Cause what good would a pumpkin be on Taco Tuesday? And while pumpkins weren't consumed this weekend either, the were however, carved. Ugh, can you tell I'm having a hard time with these segue ways tonight?? Whatever. What I'm trying to say is Nate and I picked and carved pumpkins this weekend. There I said it.
And it was fun.
We went to a local farm where they have a pumpkin patch and a fall festival each year, with things to do and all those good fall-ish things. I did notice however, as I looked around Nate and I were like, the only adults there without children. I started to feel a little awkward when we went to pay the $3 to get in and I'm like, "two adults please" and the cashier kind of kept looking at us like, "aaaand?" Nope. Sorry, just two adults thanks. I can't help it, I wanna ride the tractor ride and pet the animals and eat the kettlecorn and pick the pumpkins like the little kids get to do. Kids get to have all the fun and they probably won't even remember it in two years when they're 8 years old.
Also, I think I might've taken my all time most favorite picture ever of Nate this weekend. Like, frame on your bedside table, kind of favorite. Like, print it and put it up in your cubicle at work, kind of favorite:
It doesn't get better. It just doesn't.

When I was trying to think of a caption for this picture for Instagram I said to Nate, "Are your feelings gonna be hurt if I tell people you're not sweet?" And he said, "What feelings?"
And we laughed and laughed and I thought silently to myself, "didn't think so." The guy's a realist, what can I say.

So anyway, we took our pumpkins home and carved them all out and finished with these bad boys:
Nate's is "Black Widow" and mine is "Electric Bill." I wish I could take credit for that pun but that's actually what the package of stencils named him. I told Nate that even though his pumpkin looks better than mine, mine has a better name. So there.

So yeah, that's my October stuffs since I got back from vacation. Halloween is this week and while carving pumpkins is fun, dressing your dogs in Halloween costumes is even funner. That's right I said funner. That's how fun putting costumes on my dogs is - fun enough to invent new words to describe all the fun.

Woo yay Fall things!

 photo Carissa_zps53ecb502.png


  1. That picture of Nate - MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Definitely a framer!!!! You've been having too much fun girl !!!

  2. SC IS ME! :) haha hi friend!
    oh my gosh - uh...that elk was HUGE and all of that meat, i am jealous!
    lookts like y'all have been having so much fun!

  3. LOVE the new look!! It's soooo purtyyy :)

    I'll be coming to AZ soon, so we can go drink lots and lots of wine.

  4. i looooooooooove your blog its sho cute. You have such a fun fallish life. I want postinos again. Lesgo.


  5. the blog is looking amazing!!! can't wait to see what else you guys change!
