Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bloggers Give Back: Well Boxed AZ

Happy Monday everybody!
Instead of giving you a weekend recap of sorts I'm instead going to give you an important announcement, cause I'm just so dang excited about it that I couldn't wait to post it! If you're a blogger and you're in Arizona listen closely...

I'm teaming up with my dear blog friend Kai, from Hey Kai to host a Bloggers Give Back event right here in Arizona. 

Now, let me stop there and back up a little bit. If you've been a reader around these parts for a while you know my husband was in the military for eight years and served a 15 month tour of duty in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom (I've written about it here and here). The military has been a huge part of our post-high school/early adult life as he left for basic training in 2007, deployed to Iraq the same year, and we got engaged during his two-week leave.

So when Kai told me this event was to help soldiers overseas I jumped at the chance to participate! That's right, this Bloggers Give Back event is aimed at "sending blogger love to soldiers abroad" with the Well Boxed event. 

And since I'm all about not reinventing the wheel, here's how Melyssa from The Nectar Collective describes it:
"...we'll  be putting together care packages for soldiers who are living abraod, but don't recieve mail or packages from friends and family back home...We're bringing together bloggers from all over so that we can decorate our care packages and send fun and helpful items to our soldiers. We'll also be dishing out wine and pizza, because this event is just as much about giving back as it is about having a fun girls day with other bloggers in our area." (Source)

All that to say, if you're a blogger in Arizona we want you to join us!

You heard right, there's pizza and wine! So bring your pretty little self to Kiwanis Park in Tempe on March 29th! All you need to bring is the contents of the box(es) you wish to send, and Kai and I will provide the boxes. For ideas on what to include in your care package visit this post here

Also, please note: prior to your arriving you will want to visit to pick out the name and address of a soldier you wish to send to.

Lastly, please RSVP by clicking this PayPal button:

The $20 fee, as mentioned above, goes towards the wine and pizza, and the boxes we'll use to ship the packages! So, to summarize, here's what you need to do:
1.) RSVP by clicking the above PayPal link
2.) Visit and select a service member you wish to send to (i.e. their address)
3.) Shop for the contents of your care package
4.) Show up on March 29th for pizza and wine, and we'll package and decorate our boxes!

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me or Kai at: or

We really hope to get this Bloggers Give Back campaign going in Arizona, so please Mark the 29th on your calendar and spread the word so we can hang out, meet new friends, and serve our soldiers overseas!
Bloggers Giving Back
Hope to see you all there!
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  1. I LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH! I knew your hubby was in the military but i didnt KNOW , jeez i'm so smart. But i didnt put two & two together and that just makes me so much more excited!

  2. Dang! I wish I could be a part of this.
    How awesome that you guys are going to do this for the soldiers overseas.
    And I love that airport picture of you and Nate...I would straddle my fiance too if I had to be away from him for that long! ;)

  3. What an AWESOME event lady!! Wish I was in AZ and could come to this - I'd be there in a minute! xx

  4. OH! I want to come to this so bad!
    If I can't make it, I might send you a box of stuff anyway, Carissa. I still have some stuff that didn't make it over with my dad when he was deployed this last time and I would love to send it over.
    I'll see what I can do! Hopefully I can make it down and FINALLY meet some AZ bloggers! EEKK! :)

  5. this is so awesome. Also, those pictures of you two...killing me!!!!

  6. My husband was a marine! I'll check my calendar.

  7. Oh I would so do this, but I work that day!!!!
