Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Blogging Niche...or Lack Thereof

Before I begin this post, I would just like to say when I did a Google Image search for "niche" I got a bunch of these things. This is a niche?? Or a urinal?? Cause to me, it looks a little bit like a urinal. But whatever. Moving on.

I don't talk a lot about blogging here; mostly because I just assume there's nothing I could offer you bloggers that you don't already know. And plus I don't think I take it that seriously I guess. I don't sit down and write my posts for the week in advance, I don't know how to do a give-away, I'm not big enough to offer sponsorships; heck, I don't even feel an obligation to post five days a week. If I have nothing to write about, I don't write. 
I blog because it's fun for me. Writing is fun for me. 
So I never really thought much about the idea of having a "blogging niche." I was always of the opinion that the best blogs were the ones with all sorts of content. However, the more posts I read lately about having a blogging niche, the more I feel obligated to find one.

The problem is: I don't have one.

I'm certainly not a fashion blog, cause I'm pretty sure it would end up looking something like this:
...And that's just not a good look for anybody. Myself included.

You all know how much I hate cooking, so a food blog is out of the question.

A fitness blog is a definite no-no since I'm realllly ugly when I work out and I'm not brave enough to take selfies at the gym (and let's face it, if you don't take a picture of yourself working out, it's like the workout didn't happen, am I right?). What am I saying? I don't even work out at a gym.

I can't even be a beauty blog cause I'm too cheap to buy the newest and greatest $50 serum of some sort and I've been using the same eye shadow palette for the last two years. 
Does make-up go bad?...See, if I were a beauty blog and you asked me that question I wouldn't even be able to give you an answer. I'd have to refer you to YouTube or Wikipedia or something. 

So where does that leave me in the blogging world and all its niches?? 
Homeless, that's where.

When people in real life find out that I have a blog the first thing they usually ask me is, "Really?! What do you blog about?!" I usually answer with, "I dunno, nothing important" and quickly try and change the subject, because for some reason when I'm forced to talk about my blog in real life I get really embarrassed. But when I think about it, I'm like, really though, what do I blog about??
My dogs.
My love for Harry Potter, and wine, and macaroni and cheese, and wine.
Fun things I do on the weekend.
I guess I write about myself on my blog. 
Does this make me a narcissist?? 

All this to say, if I want to grow my blog and give it real direction, do I need to find a niche? Or maybe I create my own niche-less niche in blog-land? 
The niche for the niche-less. I'm gonna make that a thing.
Cause anything else isn't looking too promising for me so far.   

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  1. Nah, don't worry about a niche. I know I'm a "mom blogger" but I didn't start out that way and I didn't mean to. Honestly, I still don't mean to be one. It just happens. Probably because that's what I automatically think to write about since my days are consumed with tiny people. But really I want to write about ME. I made it a goal of mine this year to write about me and my thoughts more often. Funny enough I asked my readers to "ask me anything" and most of the questions were about kids. Oy.

    1. Haha, your kids are just so cute!! Also, I noticed you're a "no-reply" blogger, so I can't respond to your comments via email, see if this helps fix it =)


  2. I feel like this a lot to. But I like niche-less blogs because I can always find a post that pertains to me or is interesting. So keep doing your thing girl!!

  3. It's called a lifestyle blogger! Haha I think that is a way fancy term for saying I write about myself…because thats all I do too! Don't even stress about this one! I love what I read and I am sure many many others do too!

  4. I say you are you just...keep your blog the way it is!

  5. your niche is just being awesome, because that's what your blog is!!

  6. Can I join your niche for the niche-less because I'm lacking in the niche department as well!

  7. I love reading all about you !! But then again, I'm a little partial. I love your blog, and I love YOU. (Do you think people will think I'm your Mom, or something?)

    1. MOM! I'm glad to hear you like reading about me, cause if not, that would mean you didn't like me, your own child, and that would hurt my feelings. Batch ;)

  8. I don't have a niche either...when people ask, I usually tell them "lifestyle blogger because I talk about so many random things! Usually they change the subject after that, because they don't "understand" the blog world. Problem solved :)

  9. Giril you are totally a Lifestyle blogger- one who just blogs about life. And you're great at it! And if they ever make a "funny blogger" I think you can claim that niche too!

  10. You are funny. That's a talent. And you like to write. So keep it up--you obviously have a lot of people who enjoy reading about you! I love it when you have a new post.

  11. This made me giggle ! I'm in the same boat as you ! I think eh I should focus on one thing ! But then Im like Nah I blog about life and my life is not solely on one thing ! So I guess that might make us scatterbrained or maybe life is our niche LOL
    LUVZ your blog buddy M
    Simply Sutter

    1. To have "life" be considered a niche is good enough for me! Let's get on that! ;)

  12. I love your blog! Just keep doing what you are doing girl! You always make me laugh and you are awesome at writing - something that a lot of bloggers aren't (maybe why they just fill posts up with pictures) ;) Don't change a thing! xx

  13. Yes to all of the above! I don't have a niche and it was something that I thought I needed. Like you, I blog about things that are going on in my life/what is important to me. And I'm not big enough to sponsor or do giveaways..anyways thumbs way up for this post!!

    1. Thanks Allison! Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way then. Power to the niche-less! Ha!

  14. If you set up a niche for the niche-less club, can I join?

  15. Love it! Was totally thinking about this when I signed up for bloglovin. You read my mind ;)

    1. We're on the same wave length, what can I say? ;)

  16. I don't have a niche either and I don't really care to find one. I like writing about what I want when I want. I'm interested in too many things to focus on just one! Plus, variety makes things more interesting in my opinion! :)

  17. I don't feel like I have a niche either.. I don't write a lot about sports, fitness, beauty, food, or travel.. I don't really feel like I fit in much either. :) We are the niche less bloggers..

  18. I understand. I hate when people ask what I blog about. I always say my life and leave it at that haha

  19. I totally understand. I suppose it's a lifestyle niche... but i sometimes feel like those need to be inspirational and talk about important things. I mostly talk about myself. Scratch that, I ALWAYS talk about myself.

  20. Haha I feel the exact same way when people ask me about my blog. I get all shy and clam up, and try to change the subject real fast! I LOVE your blog Carissa and can't wait to get you as a guest onHDFB!

    1. Haha, too funny! Bloggers are weird like that right?! We have all our shiz on the world wide web, then someone dare ask us about it in real life and we panic!! ...Thanks Rhea! I can't wait to guest post for you!! =)
