Monday, September 16, 2013

10 Things I Want to Know but Was Too Afraid to Ask

You know that feeling when you really want to know the answer to something, but it may seem like common knowledge to most, so you hold back your questions for fear of looking stupid?
For example, I'm sure there's a crap ton of you out there that have no idea what's happening in Syria, but you won't ask because you don't want to look uninformed.
Am I right? 
Just me?
Anyway, I've compiled a list of things (almost as important as Syria) that I really want to know, but until now, have never asked.
1.) Is it "ratchet" or "ratched?" Either way, the definition is Miley Cyrus, right?
2.) What does "turnt up" mean?
3.) Who is Glen Coco?
4.) Iz dis spelling a reflekshun of your intelligenzz, or iz dis how da kool kids do it now?
5.) When someone asks you, "what it do?" how do you answer that?
6.) What is this emoji doing?
7.) What does ZOMG stand for?
8.) Why is there a tip jar at the self-serve frozen yogurt joint? It's self-serve, no? 
9.) Are gourmet cupcakes still a thing?

10.) And most importantly, where and how do I search for gifs?!
I can't be a real blogger if I don't use gifs.
And if you tell me Tumblr...I can't figure out how to use that either.

Now that you've officially judged me, and I don't blame you for doing so, help a girl out Mmmmk?
For the record, I can sing you all the words to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song, which totally makes up for all the above.

...I should find a gif for that. 

 photo townsend-sig_zpsd6f7a124.jpg


  1. Well you're not the only one sister! I can't help you out with ANY of those - if I don't know something I usually google it. I kept seeing #smh on twitter so I googled that - people need acronyms for everything these days :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Alright I have some answers coming your way! 1. It is ratchet and the definition is most certainly Miley Cyrus. 3. Have you never seen Mean Girls?! Glen is a joke from there.

  3. I had asked what "turnt up" meant while working desk one night and they explained it to me but I'm still just as confused. Something about like "turning up your energy" or being crazy or something along those lines. No idea really, but those people who leave planning on getting "turnt up" usually end up being carried back into the building around 3:00am.

  4. hahha I love this!! If you ever find out who glen coco is lemme know.

  5. Hahaha you are a trip ;)

  6. + "turnt up" means = get stupid .
    + glen coco = mean girls movie reference...haha love
    + i think the hands are "praise" at least that is what i use it for hahaha.
    + tumblr = yes, or google. for gifs. and you have to right click, copy the image address and then use this code in the html section of your blog to make it work {just take out the periods}
    hahaha i'm a dork.

  7. Currently dying over these..thank you for making my week infinitely more funny.

  8. hahaha I just love you. I say "You go, Glen Coco" WAY more than I should. When I use GIFs I just type in what I want in google and pick one I like, then reference it back. I know Amy^ said you have to use some code, but I just save the image and then put the link as a caption to the GIF and it works just fine.

  9. Hey Carissa! Love your blog! I think the hands emoji is for high five sista! :) At least that's what my girlfriends & I use it for. Thanks for asking these questions, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the other answers. When I doubt, I use google search and by I use it when in doubt I mean, all the time! :)

  10. This is funny! I don't know what half of the emojis stand for! And what does ZOMG stand for?! I've wondered that too!

  11. hahaha i love this. i have almost the exact same questions. i was linking the emoji was a field goal for a paper football, but now that someone said praise i'm thinking that i should keep my mouth shut...

    and gifs...seriously??? i can't figure it out either?

    you are my favorite. and i only talk lik diz when i make fun of stupid people. or when i am being overly ridiculous.

  12. hahaha i love this. i have almost the exact same questions. i was linking the emoji was a field goal for a paper football, but now that someone said praise i'm thinking that i should keep my mouth shut...

    and gifs...seriously??? i can't figure it out either?

    you are my favorite. and i only talk lik diz when i make fun of stupid people. or when i am being overly ridiculous.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I figured out the GIFS!
    check it out

  15. #8 - I AM SO WITH YOU! Why would I tip someone who didn't do anything?! I did all the work! Take the amount of the tip off my bill! :)

  16. Oh gosh I don't know what GIFs even are!! Or ZOMG? hahaha

  17. I think it's "Rachett" not sure on the double 't's but you're right Miley Cyrus is the definition...haha you're hilarious! xoxo

  18. I'm pretty much dying! this post was amazing!! I have no idea how to work tumblr either.

  19. hahah i love this.. and i just found out how to use gifts by going to or pintrest lol... save save save
