Thursday, June 27, 2013


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I felt like I was overdue for a High Five for Friday post.
So I figured I'd get on that.

Linking up with Lauren for five of my favorite things from this week!

1.) My crush on Paul Goldschmidt won't go away.
It just won't.
And I think I've come to terms with it.

Speaking of Paul Goldschmidt, you should totally log onto and vote for him for National League All-Star first baseman.
I'll give you a cookie if you do.

He's having a stellar year.
To go along with his stellar face.
I feel like his smile alone should get him into the All-Star game, but I'm pretty sure "smile-that-makes-your-heart-rate-increase" is not in the criteria.
We should fix that.

2.) My awesome new t-shirt thanks to my lovely and thoughtful friend Kayla over at The Lindholm Life.
Makes me happy happy happy.
So does Paul Goldschmidt, but we already went over that.

3.) The NBA Draft happened this week and the Phoenix Suns had the 5th overall pick.
I won't pretend like I know the politics of the Draft, or even NCAA basketball for that matter, but my fav sports talk-show hosts are saying it was a good pick.
So that's what I'm gonna go with.
And plus my dad gave it the thumbs up too.
My dad always knows what he's talking about.

4.) So You Think You Can Dance season 10 is finally underway! 
Technically it started last month, but I'm not a fan of all the audition shows.

5.) The hubs and I started carpooling to work this week.
You can tell how excited he is by the picture above.
We've never ever been on the same work schedule until now, and we've certainly never carpooled to our jobs before.
Come Monday morning we got in the car to leave and I looked at him and was like, "Hmm...this is weird seeing you here. In my car. On a Monday morning at 6:30am. With me."
I dig it though.

Happy Friday folks!


  1. I need that shirt. How awesome is that!

  2. And your crush shouldn't go away. It's totally and completely valid ;)

    Chelsea from Sunny with a Chance of Sprinkles

  3. well, i was going to vote for moreland since i am a rangers fanatic, but i your cookie swayed my vote.
    that is so cute! i wish me and my hubs could carpool. maybe someday!

  4. obviously i don't pay attention. they are in separate leagues. i can vote for both. win win!

  5. Wow, PG is pretty cute. Maybe I should become a D-backs fan, since my Angels suck. Anddd I wish we lived in the same city so we could watch DD together. WITH a margarita in hand.

    I am SOOO behind on SYTYCD. I need to catch up ASAP. Have you ever been to one of their live shows when they go on tour?? They are so much fun.

    ps. you MIGHT want to go look at my blog post for today ;D

  6. How awesome that you get to carpool together!!

  7. Haha! That carpooling photo is so cute! I would be saying the same thing! That would be weird!
