Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sweet Treat Swap!

This Halloween season I decided to participate in the Sweet Treat Swap hosted by the lovely ladies Sarah over at Gracefully Made and Amy at Taking Steps Home
...cause who doesn't love sweet treats?!

I was paired with the lovely Amy from Taking Steps Home and I won't even lie...I felt a little special that my partner was the co-host of the swap!

Right off the bat I felt a little bad, cause she left a note apologizing for packing the box with grocery bags cause she ran out of tissue paper...cause when I mailed her package I forgot all about packing the box when it came time to fill it up; so hers didn't even have tissue paper in it, let alone grocery sorry Amy! Hopefully all your treats arrived in one piece! 

The goods!
Amy sent me some granola from her favorite coffee shop, a couple cookie cutters, some Halloween tattoos (which I totally plan on donning tonight while I hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters), some coffee, and some pumpkin candles and decor. 
So cute and so festive!
Thanks for my sweet treats Amy!!...I might've already made a bit of a dent in that coffee =)
If you haven't already, go check out her oh-so-fabulous blog, and her oh-so-fabulous Halloween decorations she posted'll totally be impressed.

I am officially in love with blog swaps and I loved being able to partake in this one!!...cause in case I haven't mentioned it already...
Who doesn't love sweet treats?!!

Happy Halloween!


  1. PSSHHH girl please, the chocolate could have been all over the inside of the box and i would have licked it off! So NO worries there!
    I loved your box, full of delicious goodies, and i hope you enjoy(ed) everything i got for you! :)

    ALSO i realized you're a no-reply blogger. AKA when you leave a comment on someones page they can't respond via email. :(

    Go here, and she explains everything. Let me know when it works by commenting on mine and then I will email ya back and voila!!

  2. yummmmm!!!! isn't amy the best?! so glad you enjoyed your package! :)
