Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snapshot Sunday

I've been trying to pay attention to all the fun things other bloggers do to keep things interesting on their blog. One thing I've seen, that I thought was a cute idea was "snapshot Saturdays," used as a week-in-review kind of idea, which I thought was fun, right?! Except if we really want it to be a "week-in-review" shouldn't we do it on Sunday? I dunno, but I decided to go with Sunday anyway. So here we are...

Snapshot Sundays:
My week in review

Erin Condren Life Planner
Happy early birthday to me! I've been eyeing this "Life Planner" I found online for a couple months now, and it finally came this week. Try as I might to organize my life and schedule electronically (via my itouch or blackberry), there's just nothing that compares to a good ol' fashion paper planner to hold in my hands and flip through the pages! This though, is no ordinary planner.

One word:

Everything is personalized and customizable. I'll let you check out the awesomeness for yourself here at their website. You too, shall soon become just as obsessed as I am.

Oh and I wanted to give a shout out to this company because when my mom first ordered it for me, Fedex said they delivered it but it was nowhere to be found at her house. She contacted Erin Condren to let them know what happened and their customer service replied to her inquiry in a matter of hours, offered to reprint it at no extra charge and they had it over-nighted and in my hot little hands the next day! I was so impressed with their willingness to help us, and made everything so quick and easy. My mom promised them we would put their EXCELLENT customer service skills and TOTALLY AWESOME products on blast for them. So you should totally go check out the website! 

Fed my new, sort of addicting hobby I've started: couponing

Nate and I took my parents shooting for the first time. They enjoyed learning, Nate enjoyed teaching, it was a win/win.

And last but certainly not least, I had to remind Nathan that I can totally lay the smack-down on him at any point in time, and that he better be ready for it.
Alright, that's probably (surely) a lie, but that's what I like to tell myself.

Ready for a new week?!
...Me neither, but what say do we really have in the matter, right?!


  1. Love your EC planner!! I don't know what I'd do without mine! New follower here, found you through It's OK link up, glad you joined the party! It's my favorite link up of the week! :)

  2. Hi Heather! I'm glad you found me! I love new followers!...or followers at all, as you can see I don't have many!! Haha!! Agreed: EC planner is the!!

  3. Love it rissa!! so I totally missed this link up, but I am looking forward to joining next week!!
