Friday, December 9, 2011

Done and Done

Research Design: check
Finals: check
Another semester of grad school in the bag: check
Internship: check

PHEW! I was afraid for a minute I wasn't going to make it out of that semester alive!

It was certainly a busy one to say the least, between work, school, and internship; but it was good-since I have such a hard time being productive with lots of time to spare, when I don't have time to procrastinate things get done!...go figure eh?

I had the opportunity this semester to intern at Congressman David Schweikert's office, of Arizona's 5th Congressional District. ...and it was pretty cool!
The Congressman is awesome, the staff is awesome...the only bummer was I didn't get to meet his dog Charlie, who gets to go to DC from time to time, makes frequent appearances on his Facebook, and is almost as popular as the Congressman!'s too bad, really, cause Maycee and Gunny could've totally been friends with Charlie, and then they could hang out and play tug-of-war and do all kinds of dog things together.

I was pretty pumped to get a picture with the Congressman on my last day...not gonna lie, I felt pretty cool.

Anyway...for some weird (and kind of stupid) reason ASU decided to schedule the start of classes on January 5th, which means I only have 27 days until next semester starts. Which means I only have 27 days to:
-Celebrate Christmas
-Enjoy days off
-Sleep in on said days off
-NOT do homework
-Read material that does not consist of text books, scholarly journals, or peer reviewed articles
-Catch up on this season of Glee
-Sleep in...wait did I say that one already?

Ready, set, GO!


  1. WOW!! Busy woman! I am so proud of you for taking on Grad school! What an accomplishment!!
