Monday, November 21, 2011

Bird Hunting

Nate and I have been feeling bad lately that the dogs haven't gotten to do anything fun in a while; so this weekend Nate suggested we go bird hunting and take them along for the ride! So bright and early we loaded 'em up and headed out!

Rule #1: He who forgets his hunting license shall be designated photographer.
Since it was just Nate and I, and the dogs don't have thumbs, I'm sure you can employ your process of elimination skills to figure out who left their hunting license in their other pack.


Let's be real though...license or no license I would've be designated photographer anyway.
...I should get a business card for that.

...Anyway I was a little bummed I didn't get to shoot at anything, racking the shotgun is my favorite part. It makes me feel like a BA. Maybe killing a bird SHOULD be my favorite part and make me feel like a BA but...I haven't been so lucky as to hit something yet. But don't remind Nathan, he'll rub it in.

Maycee was rearin' to go ever since she saw Nate load the shotguns into the truck before we even left. She looooooves bird hunting. I'm pretty sure she was foaming at the mouth.
Waiting for the Dove's to start flying

As soon as she jumped out of the truck she hit the ground running; Nate had to remind her that it was her job to retrieve the dead ones on the ground...not chase the living ones out of the sky. 

I feel like this picture should be on the cover of a Bass Pro catalogue or something

The only bird she didn't get was one that Nate shot over the corn stalks. It was too thick to get back in there...but bless her little heart she tried!

She was in the zone all morning...

Gunther on the other hand, he's just along for the ride cause, well, he's Gunther. He's more interested in chasing Maycee down than chasing the birds down.

After we headed back to the truck we gave the dogs some water and threw the ball for them so they could run off a little more energy. sliding glass door asked me's taking a beating these days.

2 happy dogs

I'd say it was worth the early wake-up call on a weekend for a morning like this.

1 comment:

  1. how do you get the border around your photos?!?! I love it!
