Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The other night Nate and I were making fun of Gunther for one reason or another, when I thought out loud to him,
"We have a lot of nicknames for Gunther, you know?"

This is a true statement. You see, Gunther is a funny dude.
 He makes funny faces, swims kind of funny, stares at you for long periods of time, sits funny, jumps kind of funny when he gets really excited, and a bunch of other funny things. His funny traits seem to have made him vulnerable to a plethora of nicknames, some of which include the following:
Gunny buns
Gun dog millionaire
Bubba gump
Funny Gunny
Gunther Dik-dik
(Gunther dik-dik?? You might ask? We didn't even make that one up, apparently it's a real species, and it lives at the Zoo!)
 ...moving on...

White boy
and one of my personal favorites, his Indian moniker,
Gunther Little Buns

Anyway, I got to thinking about it and I said to Nate,
"We don't really have that many nick names for Maycee."
to which he replied,
"Maycee is a strong black woman, she doesn't need a lot of nick names."

Well then,
Go on which yo bad self Maycee Guuuurl

1 comment:

  1. gunnies dik dik !!! heheheeh!!! ahh I remember that day at the zoo!!
